(John Lennon) "just being like a tree, flowering and withering and flowering and withering"

Max Scheler via K & K/Getty Images via Guitar World
"It's like that image of watching a giraffe going by the window. People are always just seeing little bits of it, but I try and see the whole, not just in my own life, but the whole universe, the whole game. That's what it's all about, isn't it? So whether I'm working with Paul or Yoko, it's all toward the same end, whatever that is—self-expression, communication or just being like a tree, flowering and withering and flowering and withering."

"Throughout my career, I've selected to work with—for more than a one-night stand, say, with David Bowie or Elton John—only two people: Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono. I brought Paul into the original group, the Quarrymen, he brought George in, and George brought Ringo in. And the second person who interested me as an artist and somebody I could work with was Yoko Ono. That ain't bad picking."


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