John Cage and Merce Cunningham (Love Letters, Collaboration)

"Rain finally came + it’s beautifully cool. Wonder how long it will last. It was marvelous because it started suddenly and then was alternately terrific and gentle.

I think of you all the time and therefore have little to say that would not embarrass you, for instance my first feeling about the rain was that it was like you." 
—John Cage to Merce Cunningham, 1943 via Maria Popova. More letters at Lapham's Quarterly.

"When composer John Cage met dancer Merce Cunningham at the Cornish School of the Arts in Seattle in the late 1930s, they began a lifelong collaboration that changed the art of collaboration itself."

More at "How Composer John Cage and Choreographer Merce Cunningham Changed the Art of Collaboration" By Stephen Raskauskas

Documentary, Cage/Cunningham



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